The U.S.-Ukraine
Foundation, a member of the U.S. Center for Citizen Diplomacy (USCCD), helped
launch a pilot project, a series of monthly discussions between Americans and
Ukrainians via the Window on America Centers in Lutsk, in cooperation with the
U.S. Department of State, U.S. Embassy in Kyiv and USCCD.
In the framework of that
pilot project on June 21, 2012 at 10:00 am (DC
time) - 5:00 pm (Ukraine time) the discussion with Lutsk Window on America
Center was held and it covered the topic of Intercultural Education.
The format of discussion
was a Skype video conference call: 40 minutes speaker's presentation, and
40 minutes - Q&A. The working
language was Ukrainian.
There were invited two speakers on the topic of Intercultural Education:
Elvira Kizilova and Lyudmyla Melnyk.

Lyudmyla Melnyk worked
as a cross cultural technical facilitator for the U.S. Peace Corps in Ukraine
(TEFL and youth development) in 2010-2011.
She has served as a facilitator, coordinator, and an interpreter in a
variety of cultural programs both within Ukraine and abroad (USUF, Sister-City,
Open World, CDC).

9 people - teachers from local schools and Volyn National University, librarians gathered at the Window on America Center in Lutsk to talk over the topic of different cultures, mainly Ukrainian and American. The speakers made the informative presentation of the main concepts of Cultures.
The next part of the Skype
discussion was dedicated to the question of Education that was of great
interest among the present teachers.
We believe every person can make a positive change to society and received knowledge on Intercultural Education will help the Ukrainian people to understand American way of life, its culture.