Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Teachers of English in WOA center!

January 31, 2012 in the IC “Window on America” in Lutsk there was the presentation of the WOA center for teachers of English from Lutsk and regional schools (20 persons). The meeting was held by the WOA Center coordinator using modern technologies, mainly slide show. During the presentation the teachers learned much that one could find in the center, its services, etc.
The detailed information was provided to pay teacher’s attention to the Center Resources that gave current information about the United States of America.
The teachers got acquainted with the schedule of working of the center, got to know about the clubs and events that one can visit coming to the center. They also got acquainted with new technical devices that are in the center (iPads and Kindle) and with board games.

Monday, January 23, 2012

7 Wonders of Volyn!

January 22, 2012 in the Lutsk WOA center there was the meeting of our English Community Club with the topic “Epiphany in the USA and Vodochreshchennia in Ukraine”. 18 people were present, 1 American (Terry Metisson) among them. We started our meeting from a presentation about Epiphany and Vodochreshchennia, defined the difference between two these holidays and the peculiarities of the celebration of them in the USA and in Ukraine. Then there was demonstrated a documentary “7 Wonders of Volyn”. This film was made by local producers for better understanding of beautiful places in our land. This film was translated into 4 languages including English for foreigners who will arrive in our region will be able to know what places in our region are worth to visit (among them ancient cathedrals, churches, Lutsk Lubart Castle, the House-estate of Lesia Ukrainka etc.).

New project of Peace Corps Volunteers: Camp Act!

January 21, 2012 in the WOA center in Lutsk there was the meeting of the American Peace Corps Volunteers and active Ukrainians for making a plan for a new Project which is called Camp Act. 19 people were present and Melissa Krut (Peace Corps Volunteer from Lutsk) was the head of this meeting. There were people from Lutsk, Volyn region, Lviv and Lviv region and Kirovograd. They discussed the specifics of the new project: organization of the summer camp for pupils of 9th-11th Forms.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Board games attract children to WOA center!

January 19, 2012 in the IC “Window on America” there was the presentation of our center for pupils of Lutsk Palace of Student Youth (16 pupils and three teachers). The meeting was held by the WOA Center coordinator. During the presentation the pupils learned much that one could find in the center, its services, etc.
The detailed information was provided to pay pupils’ attention to the Center Resources that gave current information about the United States of America. The pupils got acquainted with the schedule of working of the center, got to know about the clubs and events that one can visit coming to the center.

They also got acquainted with board games, available in WOA center. They were very satisfied from our meeting and promised to visit our center each week.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Racism Ruins Lives!

January 15, 2011 in the WOA center in Lutsk there was the meeting of our English Community Club. The topic of the meeting was “Racism ruins lives” (devoted to Martin Luther King’s Day in the USA). 12 people were present, two Americans and two African-Americans among them. We started from the presentation about racism then watched a short documentary video “Are we so different?” After this there was demonstrated a presentation about Martin Luther King personality and we watched a video of an excerpt from his famous last speech “I’ve been to the Mountaintop”. All presented people were impressed by this topic; we had people of different races on our meeting, so we asked them how do they feel in Ukraine and in our town? Do they feel racism and if yes, in what way?
p.s. before the discussion of the topic new discs with films, Harry Potter audio-books, new board games were demonstrated to our visitors. We also decided to organize sooner or later an evening of playing board games. Then our guests were proposed a questionnaire about the work of the center, their thoughts and wishes for improving its work.