Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Halloween Party 2018!

On October 29, 2018  the WOA Center in Lutsk hosted an English Speaking Club.
The theme of the Club was Halloween Celebration.

The leader of the event was Emily Engelking, the American Pearce Corp volunteer in Ukraine.

The present audience was proposed to listen to the informative presentations about that holiday, the background, customs and traditions.

The visitors made this Halloween special by wearing costumes and accessories.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

English Speaking Club at the WOA Center in Lutsk!

Every Tuesday Join English Speaking Club at the WOA Center in Lutsk!

The Club is organized in the format of chat in cozy room at Volyn Research Library;

The Club is always supported by a native speaker who is an active particapant in the conversation.
We welcome all comes regardless of your level of language ability, the only vital thing is a desire to learn.

Talking to native speaker will give you an opportunity to improve your speaking and listening
Moderators prepare a program for each Club and involve all particapants.

We are open to your ideas and suggestions for improving the Club organization!



A Warm Welcome to the Window on America Center in Lutsk for English Language Teachers!

On October 23, 2018 the Window on America Center in Lutsk hosted a meeting for the teachers of English language from local and regional schools.

During the presentation the audience got acquainted with the latest collection of English language learning and teaching resources at the Center.

Of great interest among the teachers were modern technologies that provided intense and meaningful practice of language in the classroom and at home.
The meeting has been designed to help the teachers to:
refresh and revitalize the teaching strategies and techniques;

update classroom skills;

learn how to intergrade technology into lessons;

deepen the knowledge of the latest
 collection of English language 
learning resources.

The results of the meeting suggested that the acquaintance with the WOA Center numerous resources can be used for practice and review of language lessons.
We believe that modern technologies of the WOA Center can be useful in planning lessons.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

10 жовтня 2018 року ІЦ «Вікно в Америку» в місті Луцьку стало місцем проведення презентації Фонду сприяння демократії

Тетяна Подобінсьа-Штик, ассистент з питань культури, провела змістовні презентації, які зібрали зацікавлену аудиторію.

Перша зустріч відбулася з громадськими організаціями та активістами, які дізналися про головні вимоги до проектів.

Друга зустріч зібрала випускників програм обміну за фінансування уряду США. Під час презентації аудиторія у форматі питання-відповідь дізналася про грантові програми Посольства США, які доступні для випускників.

Висловлюємо слова вдячності організаторам зустрічі та пані Тетяні за інформативну зустріч, подарунки для бібліотеки та для відвідувачів.

Впевнені, що незабаром отримана інформація буде втілена!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Speaking Club with the Window on America Center Members Took Trip to Florida.

         Walt Disney World, Kennedy Space Center, Miami Beach, Daytona 500 International Speedway, SeaWorld Orlando, Epcot were discovered.

         The Club was led by Scruggs Leigh, the American Pearce Corps Volunteer in Lutsk.